On page SEO

On Page SEO

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) is the practice of optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings and earn organic traffic. It is one of the three main components of SEO, along with off-page SEO and technical SEO.

Why Is On Page SEO Important?

On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines to understand what your web pages are about and how they are relevant to the keywords that users are searching for. When search engines understand your content better, they are more likely to rank your pages higher in search results.

10 On-page SEO Techniques:

  • Publish High Quality Content
  • Place relevant keywords strategically throughout your website
  • Title tags
  • Header tags
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Images
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • URL structure
  • Improve User Engagement

Website Content: What Should I Write About?

To succeed in SEO, you should write high-quality, original and informative content that is relevant to the page’s topic and the keywords that your target audience are searching for. But, how?

  • Put yourself in your readers position – what would you want to know. However, this is not a full proof plan. It is hard to figure out what people want and random topics will not help. Plus, what might be interesting to you, might not be to others. So think … Is This Content Useful?
  • Do a google search – look at the “People also ask” for content ideas.
  • Online tools – there are many tools out there that will show you what people are interested in reading about in regards to your topic. These online tools can also tell you the estimated volume of a keyword or topic as well as how difficult it is to rank for that keyword.
  • Research – check out your competitors and see what they are writing about. Originality is important, however, checking out the topics others in your field have touched on is helpful. You do not always need to reinvent the wheel. Research can show you what has worked for others and what has not worked.
  • GMB Or Social Media: is to go to Google My Business pages, your own or competitors, and go to the “Questions” section to see what people are asking about. This can carry over to social media pages as well. Find out, what people are asking about.
  • Breaking Up The Page: I find that breaking up the page into sections with H2 tags makes my pages easier to read for the user as well as google.

Placing Keywords

Before worrying about keyword placement, do your research and find keywords that work best for you.

Where Do I Find Keywords? How Do I Know What Is Trending?

Similar to finding new content, there are many tools that will show you exactly what users search for, the search volume and how difficult it is to rank for that keyword.

Keyword Placement

For optimal results, try and place a keyword in your H1, which is your title, in the first paragraph and in the sub headers i.e. your H2s, H3s, etc. For example, if my keyword is “On Page SEO,” I would make my title “On Page SEO” and my first sentence would be “On page SEO is …” Then, my H2 is “Why Is On Page SEO Important.” This technique makes it eaier for my readers to find what they are looking for as well as google.

How Do I Know If I Am Keyword Stuffing?

The number of times you can use a keyword before it is considered stuffing depends on the length of the article. Yoast has an SEO tool that will tell you the estimated number of times you should use a keyword and the number

Title Tags

Title tags are displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for the search result.

Aim for clear and concise titles that accurately reflect the content of the page and include relevant keywords. For example, “Click Here To Learn More” is a poorly written title tag because no one knows what they will be learning about. However, something like “What Is On Page SEO” or “Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe” tells the user what they are getting.

Title tags are important for both SEO and user experience. Regarding SEO, title tags are a ranking factor. Search engines use title tags to understand what a web page is about and how relevant it is to the user’s search query. For user experience, title tags should be clear and concise descriptions of the web page’s content. This helps users to quickly identify the pages that are relevant to their search query. Writing for the user is important because it will make your site sound more natural.

Header Tags

Header tags (H1, H2, etc.) are an HTML element used to structure the content of the page and indicate its importance. Header tags are ranked in order of importance, from H1 to H6, with H1, the title tag, being the most important and H6 being the least important.

Header Tag Best Practics:

  • Only use H1 once per post or page
  • Use as many H2s, H3s, etc. as needed, but, for example, once you have moved from H2 to H3, do not return to H2 as a best practice

Why Are Header Tags Important?

Header tags are also important for both SEO and user experience. For SEO, header tags help search engines to understand the structure of your content and identify the most important topics on your page. This can help your page to rank higher in search results. For user experience, header tags make your content more readable and scannable by breaking it up into smaller sections with clear headings.

Meta Descriptions

A meta description is the snip it that shows up in the SERPS below the title tag and URL. When writing a meta description, keep in mind the following …

  • Use relevant keywords. This will help search engines to understand what your web page is about and how relevant it is to the user’s search query. I try and use my focus keyword, or what I want my page most to rank for, in the meta description.
  • Write a clear and concise meta description. Avoid using all caps, excessive punctuation, or spammy keywords. However, I do like to start each word in my meta description with a cap. For example “Learn How To Write A Meta Description That Is Informative, Engaging, And SEO-friendly. Read This Step-By-Step Guide To Learn More.
  • Make sure your meta description is unique to each page on your website. This will help search engines to differentiate between your pages and rank them accordingly.

Why Are Meta Descriptions Important?

For SEO, meta descriptions can help to improve your click-through rate (CTR). When a user sees a meta description that is relevant to their search query, they are more likely to click on your link. This can lead to more traffic to your website and improved search rankings.

Meta Description Length

I googled this and several sources across the web state that meta descriptions should be around 155 to 160 characters. I like to use the meta description block in YOAST. It turns green when it is the correct length, orange when it is too short and red when too long.


You can use images to enhance the visual appeal of your content, attracting more visitors, and improving your website’s overall ranking. Concentrate on the following …..

  1. Image File Names: Save the file using descriptive and relevant file names that accurately reflect the content of the image. This helps search engines understand the image’s context and relevance to your page.
  2. Image Alt Text: Provide alt text for each image, which is a brief description of the image that is displayed to users when the image cannot be loaded or for visually impaired users. Alt text should be concise, descriptive, and include relevant keywords.
  3. Image Size and Compression: Optimize image size to ensure fast page loading times, which is crucial for SEO. Use appropriate file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF) and compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality.
  4. Image Location and Context: Place images near relevant text content to help search engines understand the context of the image and its relationship to the surrounding text.
  5. Image Title and Caption: Include image titles and captions that provide additional information about the image, using relevant keywords.
  6. Structured Data Markup: Use structured data markup to provide detailed information about your images, such as their type, subject matter, and license, which can enhance their visibility in search results.

Internal links

Internal links are hyperlinks to other pages on your website that are relevant to the current page.

Why Are Internal Links Important?

Regarding SEO, internal links help search engines to crawl and index your website more effectively. They also help search engines to understand the structure of your website and the relationships between your different pages. This can help your pages to rank higher in search results.

For user experience, internal links help users to navigate your website and find the information they are looking for. They also help users to learn more about related topics.

When creating internal links, try to use relevant anchor text. The anchor text is the text that is linked to. It should be descriptive of the page that the link is pointing to. And use a variety of link types. There are different types of internal links, such as contextual links, navigational links, and footer links. Use a variety of link types to create a well-linked website.

Addition Internal Link Tips:

Internal Link Tips:

  • Link to high-quality pages. When you link to a page, make sure that it is a high-quality page that is relevant to your topic. This will help to pass more link equity to the linked page.
  • Don’t overuse internal links. Too many internal links can make your website look spammy to search engines. Use internal links sparingly and only when they are relevant to the content.
  • Use internal links to create contextual relevance. Internal linking helps establish a context for your content by connecting related pages within your website. This helps search engines better understand the overall structure and relevance of your website, which can improve your search engine rankings.

External links

Links to other websites. However, the quality of those other websites. Often government websites are strong, however, that is not always available. So, be careful when selecting other websites to link to.

Benefits of External Links

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings: External links from reputable websites act as votes of confidence, indicating that your content is valuable and worthy of attention. Search engines consider these backlinks as a significant factor in determining the ranking of your website in search results pages (SERPs).
  2. Enhanced Credibility and Authority: External links from high-authority websites transfer link equity to your website, boosting its overall credibility and authority. This can make your website more appealing to users and increase the likelihood of clicks and engagement.
  3. Wider Audience Reach: External links can lead users from other websites to your site, exposing your content to a broader audience. This can increase traffic, brand awareness, and potential leads or customers.

Effective Use of External Links:

  1. Quality Links: Focus on acquiring high-quality external links from reputable websites in your niche or industry. Avoid links from spammy or low-quality websites even if they are easier to link with.
  2. Relevant Content: Prioritize external links from pages that are related to your page content.
  3. Targeted Anchor Text: Use natural and relevant anchor text in your external links. Avoid generic or keyword-stuffed anchor text.
  4. Diversification: Acquire external links from a variety of sources, including blogs, news outlets, industry forums, and relevant websites. This shows search engines that your website has a strong backlink profile.
  5. Reciprocal Linking: Reciprocal linking, where two websites agree to link to each other, can be beneficial, but do so sparingly and with reputable partners. Excessive reciprocal linking can be seen as unnatural by search engines.
  6. Monitor and Disavow Spammy Links: Regularly monitor your website’s backlink profile using tools like Google Search Console. If you find spammy or low-quality backlinks, consider disavowing them through Google’s Disavow Tool to protect your SEO.
  7. Earn Links Naturally: Avoid aggressive link-building tactics. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that attracts natural links from other websites organically.

URL structure

Short, descriptive URLs that are easy to understand for both users and search engines. The description of the URL is call the Slug.

Improve User Engagement

The more time a user spends on your site the better. What is your call to action? Is it clear? Are you telling the user exactly what you want them to do?

More On Page SEO Tactics

The tactics above always need to be worked on. On Page SEO is an ongoing process. However, once you have spent ample time on those topics, there are more advance SEO topics including the following:

  • Page Speed
  • Target Feature Snippets
  • Optimize Page Speed
  • Schema Markup

On Page SEO Services

On-page SEO is an ongoing process, and you should regularly review your web pages to make sure that they are optimized for the latest search engine algorithms.